i lost my rank on op factions and i have never had my rank on op prison i was MVP rank my ign is zingxx1999 i changed my name back to zingxx1999 to see if the name change rank thing will work but it dident i have the rank on op kit pvp tho here is the screen shot of the rank that i have on op kit pvp : http://gyazo.com/7dee0d9c71c4aa572bc284bdb34b1b2e here is a screen shot of the rank that i have on op factions : http://gyazo.com/07ce0465e4b52a654dc1cb64d670c6cf Thank you for takeing ur time to read this
I am so sorry about this inconvenience, if you could please do the following: Email [email protected] Attach the proof of your previous donor rank Include your full in game name And lastly explain the problem in full, don't leave anything out Hope all this helped ~Viper