I am a god on mineverse, I bought it a while back Well, I was logging onto mineverse on 5/26/16, and I saw creative was down, so I left for a bit. I came back and now I have NO rank, and it really bugs me. I spent a hundred dollars on this server, and I was asking if someone could help! I must have been hacked, or maybe I am just doing something wrong..? EDIT: IGN: xToby_999 Changed it around January.
Check out this thread, it will be of use to you. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mineverse-support-email-help-template.5743/
Got this section on watch. ;) Just edit the template into this thread (instead of creating another thread) and hopefully your issue will be fixed shortly.
Can you check to see if it works on the other lobbies so you can use your lobby perks? /lobby /lobby2 /lobby3