Well, Hes not changing it back to 1.7.10. http://gyazo.com/3c1a1a1ef043230748c7fee34e8f203f I agree with you, The Server is Lame Now, and it needs Inprovement. @ScoFu13 Should become an Administrator and Help Cypriot and Noobcrew. Hope for the Best.
[06/02/15 22:27:22] | Pops |: LET's MINECRAFT IN A MINECART [06/02/15 22:27:25] | Pops |: WITH MY SQUID [06/02/15 22:27:28] | Pops |: IN YOUR WITCH HUT
ikr i tried to tell people that but they didnt listen and they just critisised me (sorry for the grammer i am using my phone not my computer):L:L:L
Why is this server 1.8, 1.8 plus 1.7 makes the server lag, it soo laggy that I almost wanted to go crazy
No body asked for your input ;3, jkjk i dont mean it, cuz i dont wanna be bunned ;3;3;3;3;;3;3... abooosing muddd lelellel
Mineverse is not at the stage of falling apart. Over the course of a huge update, servers will usually plunge into chaos which is normal. Don't worry, in a couple weeks, you won't even think about 1.8 since the plugins and coding scripts will be updated. Trust me, I have run servers and Minverse is showing no sign of collapse. Although, I do think the admins should involve and inform us if they make progress in fixing errors.
The server does seem to be coming apart. There are constant threads on issues that go unsolved and a lack of mods means that more hackers take advantage of the server and other players which in turn discourages players from the server. There is a mass of people migrating to other servers including many of the friends I made on this server. The friends I make here are almost the only reason I still play on mineverse anymore. And I've felt less and less inspired to make more friends on the server anymore because the people I meet lately are not of the same quality as the friends that left... My motivation for playing on this server is becoming very slim...
The server is going downhill ever since 1.8 update I agree with @ScoFu13 being promoted to admin and more mods. @mineterria and @Pile_of_Butts Should be promoted to Forum Mod ASAP
5 weeks later: Eongod comes back and hacks cyp's account and makes mineverse OP and makes @Bryan Perrone admin. Next we be like OMG cyp thank you ermagerd you da best! #YAY Next day: Eongod takes everyones /bal on kitpvp and unbans himself. The end.
Ahh I agree about the community falling apart but I won't leave till there is absolutely no more friends here. After that then I quit xD