PLZ HELP me YALL. I contacted mojang for a new accoutn, but the guy i talked to said he doesn't have permission to give me a new one and he is unable to "reboot" my account after it was deleted.. I was friedzucchini16, a sponsor and i played MV everyday on archerpvp. i was part of the community. Now im nothing. Plz Help me.
We cannot help you with a Mojang issue. But if you get a new account, you can email with proof of your purchased rank and they can help you there. Im sorry that you lost your account. :(
Do what Dyna said. And if you don't wish to contact Mojang, keeps changing the password until the hacker gives up. This happened to me. Good luck getting your account back!
This issue isn't mineverses problem, its mojangs if your acc was perm deleted then the only thing you can do is buy a new one.
The Mineverse community can not provide you a rank but if you did Purchase a rank please contact please have evidence you were this Rank and Contact mojang they should be able to get your account just provide your Minecraft ID
Sorry, but this isn't our problem, it's Mojangs. We do not do rank refunds if that's what you wish for, sorry.