Yes, I was officially leaving 2ish days ago?.. This is because parents wanting me to focus on school, grades and all that - even though my grades are just fine... So I've returned because they realised Mineverse isn't actually a hindrance to my school and social life, so I'm back. Ish. Hopefully. I know there are people who'll read this and not care and leave a condescending comment: this is not to you. This is to the people who care. If you dont care, I suggest you leave.
YES!!!! I FINALLY GOT A NEW MIC THE OTHER DAY SO I CAN ACTUALLY TALK ON TS @WhyteDuck you're gonna be happy about that last part
But seriously though, someone (a friend said) "The Australian accent sort of sounds like the American and English accent had a child"
Lol my friend says the Australian accent is what it is because when the Brittish people came over everyone was drunk so they ended up talking like this. - it's just a joke they mean no offence by it haha