I haven't been on these forums in a very long time. I haven't posted even longer still. I know the community has changed drastically since I used to play, but I still see a few familiar faces. Well, to begin, my name is Aaron, but most people just call me Ninja. I went by the in game name of IN1NJAI. If you are a super OG player, I created the NASA faction on factions before it reset for the first time. (spawn plots were amazing... bring back please?) I logged on a few times here and there on the forums, but never in game because I sold my account a long time ago for $100 on Steam and quite honestly I regret that so much. The name IN1NJAI meant so much to me and (I'm trying not to be full of myself) it was a very well known name on this server. When people saw IN1NJAI they thought of NASA faction, it was honestly pretty cool. Well I guess I'll get to the point of this thread (is that what they're called?? I haven't used this in a long long time...) A few months ago (probably about 9 now) I stopped playing video games all together. I hadn't even turned on my computer really once. My life changed in a way that I would have never expected. It was quite honestly the best change I had ever experienced in my life, but like everyone says... All good things must come to an end. My life basically crashed. It picked back up over time, but it was never the same. Overtime I learned to forget what had happened and I got better. I eventually came back to my PC and started playing again. I am rambling on at this point, but what I am trying to say is that video games can literally heal wounds. I came from one of the hardest things I had ever been through and now I can say I am almost healed and over what happened. I know I can never be over it, but I like to say I am sometimes. I am so disgusted when I see someone making fun of someone for how much they play video games... (or do anything else for an excessive amount of time for that matter). If someone likes what they do, let them do it. What they do doesn't affect you... Learn to worry about yourself and not others so much... That's honestly why it took me so long to heal to the point I am at now. I never stopped thinking about other people. Worry about yourself. Alright, sorry about that. I just felt like since this was basically my home for a solid 2 years that I'd try to bring myself back into it, even if it were just for a few hours. Thanks for reading.
"Well, to begin, my name is Aaron, but most people just call me Ninja. I went by the in game name of IN1NJAI. If you are a super OG player, I created the NASA faction on factions before it reset for the first time. (spawn plots were amazing... bring back please?)" Haha, I guess in your standards, I'm considered super OG. Well, I'm just going to talk about NASA in general. I don't think there was ever a cooler time on Survival other than this. NASA and ESPA were basically at war, I tricked others into TPing me into ESPA's base, and I essentially got our other NASA members to help destroy it (it was half-rebuilt). It was such a fun time, and it was honestly so much loss there when it reset. :P
facs is dead now, there is no competition at all. it was lit for a while during the beginning of last year, but i died rather quickly. Not to sound cocky/arrogant, but i also rly want facs to revive so being the leader of the current largest faction can be relevant again, and so that there's something fun to play other than infection xd.
I was good friends with him too, but we had some misunderstanding, and we had opposing opinions between ESPA and NASA. I was part of NASA, whereas he was in ESPA, though we shared the same town space.
ayy Ninja, good to see you again something that my friends mock me about is the fact I only really do play minecraft, because tbh it's the only game I've really had a proper grip on. Any other game I've tried to play never really got me hooked, so I just go back to MC. But I honestly don't care, and I will eventually find a game I love and will play. I just haven't found it yet and sometimes I wish my friends would understand that. At least they always want me on their team or party when we're against each other, I guess playing only one game has it's ups and downs
lol I remember when it was feb 2nd and u wished me a hbd and I was finally able to say "thanks u 2" and felt pretty accomplished anyways hello and nice message
survival was fun af thanks dood christ jesus hey fac reset with spawn plot type thingy again please who are you who's that ello ryan HAPPY BIRTHDAY
just to let you know, I'm not ryan. That's @InsertEdgyName, but I reckon you already know ;) it's a long story, but yea wb anyways