IGN: RaiseYourGlass Here I have the rank on kitpvp2 but not on opPvP https://gyazo.com/24082c9b80e3ae3dffaa9e4d637f532b Here is the buycraft page showing my purchase https://gyazo.com/77278252131c0ce69bed41afe6e4237e @CypriotMerks @Pile
Write an email to [email protected] with the proof and if you don't receive a response within 2-5 days, write another email. @Pile @kinsey_kid
Oh look 5 days later and nothing has happened, the mineverse staff don't even go to the help section of the forums xd
Well its been 11 days, I've sent 2 emails and had no response on either. @Pile @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @kinsey_kid @Janice999 @Ordi @Quertiss