What is the point of this thread? Anyway, this image proves nothing. You could have just turned off the client and then took the photo.
Agreed with ParanormalPizza. How does this even prove that you don't hack? If you got banned and now want to prove that you don't hack, do create a private thread with the Mods and do a Ban Appeal.
Tbh, it is easier admitting you hacked and making an appeal than actually trying to prove you never hacked LOL.
I love when people do this. You could have easily removed the client, changed the version, or even used photoshop. What ever you're trying to prove, it isn't working.
He uses a laptop and has graphics on 'very bland and short; I don't think he can run photoshop. AND… The screenshot is a fullscreen image with 1366x768px but it's in Paint so Paint is his default image program. 'Photoshopping' with Paint would leave all sorts of stuff behind too and the fact that the undo button cannot be selected means there is no history of editing. Do you still think he edited the image? @HypedGamingMelon there have been a lot of players who have done the same thing (make these threads), whether they actually hack idk. But it's interesting that you get defensive after being called a hacker. If you're a donator then that explains your over-reaction. Otherwise, ignore whypot; he's an idiot. He isn't banned.