Well like u see it says i bougth VIP->. But i did buy MVP->Elite. Inwas MVP and it says i did it for 15USD. So please give me my elite rank. I am DjTheDiamond
And I have picture on my phone, but it won't upload, so if u got Skype I could send them there. And delete me after
Email [email protected] with your issue and full proof. You might need to send the email once or twice a week. Here you are. Best of luck!
DjDiamond had MVP and he bought the rank but it didn't get to him, he logged off and in but it didn't worked I was with him when this happened
I can confirm that he did purchase the rank, Proof or not you should have purchase logs which should be sufficient enough evidence.
I remember this happening to me before too. I were Mvp then upgrading to Elite.. Didnt work. I had to upgrade from Mvp twice for it to work
The owner(s) are both @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew. If you do what @The_Doctor has said above you should get your rank back in a couple of days(weeks).
Send an email to [email protected] with your in game name, problem, proof of which game modes you are missing your rank on, and proof that you have the rank. You might not get an immediateresponse, so try sending the same email once every week. Good luck