I cant join creative and every time I try and join I crash :L I have been trying for 3 days and every time I crash im getting so mad I want to rip my hair
Purchase a clear inventory and a teleport to spawn @ http://www.mineverse.com/link-forums/shop.57/ Don't worry, they're free. It'll stop you from crashing! ;)
Here's how to fix: 1) Buy free tp to spawn from mineverse shop on forums 2) Buy clear inventory from shop 3) Download minechat and go to creative and do /spawn and /clear
It usually takes time for it to come through and you need to wait for it. This issue isn't new or anything, it happens to some people and this is why if you can trust on the person or not If it doesn't work email them
Hello Jazz_Hi, This is usually the works of a death item. To fix this issue, you must buy the tp to spawn and clear inventory, both free of charge in the shop. shop.mineverse.com If this does not work, let me know by creating a PM with me, and I will try to help you more through PM. Closing & archiving.