I agree, this place needs more administrators, there is your answer. The server could only benefit from it. You really think I haven't read this and know what is going on? I am aware but once again, have no power to make this sort of drastic change. It is up to Cypriot and Noobcrew. Both of whom I highly respect and would do nothing to jeopardize my relationship with them. It is their choice, whether they choose to say no or yes to the matter.
I just noticed that this is getting slightly off-topic. Though, Cypriot and Crew are working on the SB issue. Hang in there. ;)
My apologies, I like my opinions to be heard. :P I'll PM you of this matter later on, as I highly value your opinions of this.
This is what it shows when listing Island party, no usernames show in the box even though there is 2 users in my Island party.
Are you defiantly the owner of the island? I'll come on later on, the skyblock plugin has a few problems but once you get to know it's easy to use, anyway I just laleft my house so I'll be home in like 10-11 hours which I know is a long time but I have a good idea on what it's wrong and I'll give it a little crack when I get in. Gooluck until then ~kinsey
Yes.. I am 100% absolutely positively defiantly doubtlessly undeniably unmistakably obviously unquestionably beyond any doubt am sure I own the Island in every way shape and form and created it without a doubt.
Almost 2 months now and still no fix? If it helps I changed my username 2 months after making the island if that has anything to do with it