I am recruiting for my faction (FluffyParrot's faction) and I am recruiting possible people I already know, or experienced faction players. I will not tell you how rich I am otherwise you may be tempted to inside raid me, but I will give some of you players a chance to join my faction. This is the application form to join my faction: AGE: 12+ SKYPE: CURRENT FACTION: RANK: WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN?: WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO TO HELP THE FACTION?: WHAT EXPERIENCE TO YOU HAVE IN FACTIONS?: HOW RICH ARE YOU (SAY IN CREEPER EGGS, GAPPLES, PROT10/15)
16 I have skype but i'm scared of ddos so teamspeak is the way i go. None Premium I'm not bad at factions, but players usually don't see that in me and it would be nice to be in a faction. I am excellent with redstone and tnt cannons. I'm an archer and good defender i'm usually good at making traps. Not rich buy my kit gives creeper eggs...