Intro: I have no clue if this was suggested already, but I am informing everyone about it even more. As you may know, Skygrid is a very popular game mode of Mineverse. But when you have lost all hunger, and have no food, It's literally impossible to survive. The only way you can have unlimited hunger is if you donate for a rank, which some people don't have the money for, or just don't want to do. The following are ways we can helped this issue Ideas: 1.)Make a food kit that players can do every couple minutes. 2.)Get rid of hunger completely. Conclusion: Lets end hunger on sky grid. Make it more enjoyable to survive in the grid-like world. Thank you for taking the time to read my Idea, please don't be afraid to leave a comment and a poll on my idea. Have a great day!
No Support. 8 pork chops are in /kit starter and Hunger should still be in Skygrid as it is a Survival gamemode.
But how else are you going to get food rather than the kit?It's just floating blocks,animals won't spawn.
But to find those,you need a relatively ungriefed area.Then there are the griefers. Support for #1 btw.
I will say Neutral for the first idea, but for the second idea, I'll say No-Support as long as Skygrid is a survival gamemode.