Well I saw on YouTube someones username was HeyitsNatalie so I was like, oh cool! So yeah and my dad put my birth year after it sooo yeah
I was only 11 when I picked my name. I don't really know we're the "flux" came to become half of my name ;). I thought ninja's were cool and I wanted to be one when I was older. That's how it has become "flux ninja"
IGN: Sticstar: Well as I was making my account, I saw a Stick of glue next to the monitor. Then it came to me, what if I added "Star" after "Stick"? :eek:. Remove the K and BAM! Username created
Well my first user name was NoobCake the Noob part to make people I killed feel shame and the cake part because I loved cakes. I then changed my name to NoobCupCake as I didn't eat a cupcake for 3 years and I wanted to keep the Noob part to make people feel shame once I killed them.
My clan on Xbox, was called "KING" Or "KoRT" and I was a rank Elite+ in it, KoRT Was the best HCD clan out there, so then I got gamer, because I was a gamer, so yah, I regret the name, looks ugly.
I love the kitkats that's why back in the day I used to relate them to you so much lel. Sweet yet deadly
Well, I'm not going to lie, Zulfqar is my IRL name . I kinda was stuck for words so I just chose my IRL name. Why not? I tested it and the username wasn't taken so I for filled the place .
Well my ign is FinchyPlays... My YouTube name is Finchy Plays, So I smashed it together and I got my username c: But Finchy is my nickname and I put Plays because of YT, and my YT channel is soon to become a gaming channel so yeah :D
I got my name because i love the game Rachet & Clank and i like grapes so Rachet + Grapes = RACHETGrapes. I added the caps in there cuz it looks k00l :3.
I got mine when I created my email, it was just [email protected] (I've has an email for a long time) and then, I got my mc account, and put Andyman288 and that became my username for everything
Mine refers back to my old time hobbies. Little know this about me - But I was a semi-pro COD Player.. Meaning I played GB's Constantly, (Game Battles ; For those in the know-how , You'll know what that is . For those who don't , it's extremely competitive gameplay against other skilled players with a set of rules. ). I was on a front page team (One of the best) & I was quite talented (I'd like to say, feel free to ask @PrincessPayne , she played a few games with me) But anywho - In COD (Call of Duty ) When 2 players get in a gun-fight, one has to "challenge" the other.. Meaning, if one player is hiding behind a wall, the other player is suppose to "challenge" the gunfight, and players would say things like " Dont challenge him " when talking to team mates, as a call out.. And some times, when players would challenge me and lose, I'd say things like " You shouldn't of challenged me" or "DontChallengeme" See? I'm not sure many know that.. But, you learn new things every day.
Well, my username goes way back, I'm actually a royal decendant of Queen Eliza- Ok, never mind, actually, well, when I was making my minecraft account, it was at home and my mum was in a princess costume so I decided to go with "Princess." Then, the Payne part, well, I was all about Pain, and I still am.. > "PrincessPain," but they were taken. So I thought of One Direction at the time, and Payne was the closest I guess.. xD So that's how "PrincessPayne," was formed.
Growing up as a wee little laddie, my father was an avid gamer aside from his regular fatherly duties (my parents divorced when I was around 2-3 years old and my father got custody of me and my older brother and my mother got custody of my other 6 brothers and sisters {I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters and I happen to be the youngest ;-;}). Anyways, my dad's interest in gaming peaked my interest in it as well. His username when he gamed was "Majorminor" and I just kind of adapted that name to myself and when creating my MC account back in early 2010, the name "Majorminor" was taken so I added in the day of my birth (well date) which is the 15th of December. So add that together and bam, Majorminor15 was born. I know this was quite lengthy but I tried explaining as best as I could while still giving info about myself. Hope you enjoyed a history lesson about myself :P