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  • How to use //wand (single player commands) on creative

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by x_taco_guy_x, Mar 25, 2015.

    1. x_taco_guy_x

      x_taco_guy_x Active Member

      Mar 22, 2015
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      Hello everyone . before I give a short message about how to use single player commands in creative I would like to say if you could please leave some feedback . It will help me lots on making better how to's .
      I have noticed a good amount of people wondering how to do this so I decided to make a thread about this .
      I really hope this helps you ! lets get started

      First the basics when you go to creative vote to receive the ability to use single player commands .

      once you have voted simply in chat do //wand . it is very important to use two slashes always when using single play commands .

      hold the wooden axe that you should have received in your hand . go to a block and right click it . you will see a purple text in chat say set location with a bunch of coordinates . This means you are doing it right .
      Then go to your next block of choice and left click it . some purple letters should appear . You are almost done . Once you had done that do //set ( block of choice ) for example //set diamond . congratulations you have done it .

      I hoped this helped you !
      Don't hesitiate to message me on my home page or on this thread if you need some extra help . More helpful tips coming soon .

      Have a wonderful day !
      Sincerely x_taco_guy_x

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