Why are you always such a hag? Go somewhere else and spread your negativity. This is a nice thread, don't mess it up.
Okay, I'm going to be honest, I suffer from severe depression and anxiety because of a medical condition I was born with. I'm so glad you're trying to help as many people as you can, but this is completely untrue for some people. Some of those quotes are good, but the part about "You can choose to be happy" and "Laugh! Smile!" I disagree with. If I walked around my school with a huge smile on my face then people would be weirded out. Nobody can "choose" to be happy (If you can you're stupidly lucky) it's something that has to come over time. I am lol If only it was that simple I don't know if this is lies to me because of my medical condition, but that's just my experience. Sorry to ruin the positive vibes. It's just who I am.
I know this might sound kinda harsh, but if you are turning to a Minecraft server for help you are doing it wrong, parents before online internet people. Even teachers or adults you know. Love you still Janice <3
Thanks for reading and for all your kind comments. <3 I get what you're saying. I've started a conversation with you, hope it helps. I completely agree. <3 That's me. ;p