After reading a few posts about Minechat I felt the need to make this. It's an extremely useful application and I think everyone should get it, since it's free. What the heck is Minechat??? Minechat is an app that is available on the Apple Store. It will take up a little bit of space on your phone (if you're running low on storage). It allows you to, obviously, chat with other players on Minecraft. There is a free version of the app and of course another version in which you must pay for. It costs $2.99 to buy the paid version. Although I highly suggest using the free version because no one has time to pay for an app that you can get for free. Wait... So how does this work? After downloading the free version you should see 4 small tabs on the bottom of your app. The first tab is "chat." This allows you to chat on Minecraft. You can use all of your / commands and such. Another neat trick is that you can also begin typing in a player's username and their name will pop up immediately. You can click their name, as it is just a suggestion however it is less annoying than auto correct. This is basically like hitting tab on Minecraft. The second tab is "players." This allows you to constantly check who's just logged onto the server. However /who and /list still work just as effectively. The third tab is "servers." This will show featured servers, promoted servers, and user servers. Featured and promoted servers are just servers that are being advertised on the app. User servers are your own servers. You can have access to adding 2 servers at a time. The paid version does allow you to add more than 2, but you can always just change the ip of one of your servers to another ip in order to go to another server. The fourth tab is "settings." This is where you can sign in or out of your account. To sign in you must type in your email of your account (not ign)!! For your password, you just type in your regular Minecraft account password. There's also an area below this where you can name your servers that you've added (just like in Minecraft multiplayer). There's also another part below that where you can change the font and chat settings for the servers. The last parts of the settings tab are alerts, purchases, and help & info (which are pretty self explanatory). You can't chat on Mineverse's lobby though... As you know, you cannot chat when you log into Mineverse. This applies to the app as well. This was implemented so that spam bots and such couldn't therefore spam. However you can get past the lobby to your favorite game mode so that you can chat with your friends and other players. You can do this by doing /(game mode). For example, I would click (listed under user servers) in order to connect to the server. Your chat will come up as you join Mineverse. I then would type in /kitpvp to go on KitPvP. I am able to chat regularly like anyone else once I get past the lobby. When you join your game mode it will usually announce that you've joined your game mode in chat. Here's another example, it would say "Statikk_Shiv just connected with an iPhone using Minechat." Overall Minechat is a great app and very useful on Mineverse! You can always get on and chat with your friends on the go wherever. Hope you learned something from my guide! If there is anything I missed please comment about it so I can fix it. I want this to be the most helpful guide for you guys with Minechat. P.S. Yes Minechat will occasionally freeze up or glitch it's not a perfect app!