Hello, this is my guide on the basics of how to survive in OP Pvp. I am very familiar with this part of Mineverse, so I'm akways in game or on the forums if you need assistance. Let's get started. 1) Rack up on gear •You can do this by using the /kit command and using the various amounts of kits that are within your disposal. (They have time limits) •You can also vote every 24 hours and use that money to buy items from the small shop located in spawn. •There are also people on the forums that will give you their donator kits for other in-game items or money. *Remember paying for in-game items with real life money is not allowed, unless it is in the form of a donator rank* 2) Find teammates •Find friends that will help you while you pvp and/or give you tips •Find some of the civil Staff or Donors, they typically like to have large groups, so ask them if you can join. •Be social and make friends ;D You already have 1 and that's me, so you're off to a good start. 3) Don't trap yourself •Try not to pvp in buildings or tight spaces where your enemies can get you into a corner. •Enderpearls are there for your disposal. Keep them handy. •Same with golden apples. 4) If your computer supports it, record. •Do this for your own benefit. •Recording hackers and reporting them on the forums will make your life and everyone else's life on the server SO much easier. That's all I have for now! Feel free to add any other information down below and I'll be sure to look it over and add it to the post.(With credit) Thanks for reading! Play safe.