um how about we get Crew back on, look at this monstrosity and help Cyp fix it? I know he might be paying stuff for the server but he should be expected to go on the forums. He is the owner after all.
Support The thing that is preventing mineverse from growing is that more people are growing away from minecraft in general. I feel that Crew no longer has the same interest that he had in mineverse unlike 2 or 3 years ago.
The developpers of mineverse were hired for bedwars and a couple other minigames.. we all know how fast those died out... If cyp wants a cash flow, he needs to make ranks worth buying.. Finding a durable way to add kits while respecting eula is where he should be spending his time.. Kinda support but meh
So much support is there a support x2 button? The server is slowing dying and my good memories of when it had more players are being dragged down with it! Support.
Support. Minecraft is 3rd most active game in the world with over 50 million active players. This isn't a dead game.
That may be true, but it's going to be in a few years or more.... So most of us are just trying to hold on to the rope that connects us to the game that is very very slowly being dragged down.