You see servers that have 60k players bases but the question Is how? What we need to do to start cashing In on a bigger player base Is put a lot more money Into development of games, Sure bedwars Is great but add more custom things, Its not a cheap job getting more developers but If you see most of the new minigames/gamemodes coming out from other servers they are getting 10x more custom and If we don't meet the standards all of the other servers have we start seeing our self get casted In a shadow. Now I'm not expecting for new gamemodes to be bounced out quickly. First things first we hire a small team of developers, We get them to start working on things like adding a more custom experience to mineverse and we see that player count of 300 go to thousands. Because sure prison Is great but prison with custom addons and a custom feel to It Is 10x better. And I know It's gonna cost a lot of money but Whats the point In life If you live In your shell you may aswell go out trying your hardest and doing the best you could do. I really think this could benefit mv. Than running a short little advertising campaign maybe get some youtubers with 100k/ more to show up and advertise the server. (We must upgrade to a much better host that's another place the investment has to go) Once we have fixed all of the servers bugs and added cool things to our current server the next job Is to take away all the games that either don't work or are too glitch'y. Than start looking Into new games. Cyp you play a lot of csgo there a certain gamemodes you could add. Here's an Idea Minecraft surfing (Csgo) Im sure If we hired a talented team they could pull this off for us. You look through you favorite games and think about gamemodes you would really like to see added. Than you add one or two people to become support workers that will deal with all the support problems. Than of course you guys are hardworking and can't be around on the server 24/7 promote some admins like @Pile and @kinsey_kid They have been around for a very long time and they are trustworthy staff members they would do an amazing job and giving them more options to help would benefit the server even more. But Its your choice Cyp, These are just somethings I believe would make the server 10x better than It ever was (Server Is already great but of course there Is many more things we could do to make the experience for the players better) Note: sorry If there were a few grammar mistakes, If you have any other suggestions on helping the player base go up please feel free to comment them this Is just my opinion. no one else's and Is just an Idea.
Support, but what if the idea of hiring developers making mini-games fails? I really do like the idea of the YouTube advertisement, though.
Yah, lets hire LeafyIsHere to advertise our server on our brand new surf gamemode, great idea. Support
How bout lets fix existing problems before coming up with new ideas. God forbid this turn out like op factions, where almost every plugin is broken in some way
Surge I'm sorry to say this, the server is dead, you know this. We are a dead server in a dead game. People moved on from Minecraft and most servers are losing players. I wish it could be revived
This is a game which obviously won't last long from now. People grow up and get to see other games and like them more. The new youngsters don't grow up with Minecraft like we did, they grow up with different games and different hardware. The game itself probably can't get through a major update to keep itself up. I would say the general game player count is sinking aswell. I remember the times when there was a mod showcase almost daily or at least thrice a week. This isn't anymore. There aren't that many plugins bug fixes and game ideas like a few years ago. We can try bringing the player count up but I guess it won't reach the height it once had
Thank you! Than we fix all of our current gamemodes. and work from that. I said that In the suggestion. dude just because pile does a better job than you did doesn't mean you have to be salty. If we hire developers than we will have people that can fix things without cyp always having to be the only one. Minecraft Is not a dead game. there's servers hitting 60k and your calling It dead? Its because servers are going more custom and they don't release there plugins because they want the exclusiveness.
Completely agree, with this suggestion.. However there trying to replace the original game-modes like kitpvp2 which is the most played game-mode on the whole server and they made kitpvp to try replace it for a new one, But most people don't want to play the new one we want the original kitpvp2 gamemode what the server is known for... I think we should just keep most of the gamemodes that first were on the server just adding add-ons, and bug fixes and a new anti-cheat would be great and of course little touches to the maps.. This would increase the amount of players, including more staff hired for different specific time-zones. Advertising - Apparently they spent $1000 on advertising monthly witch i don't think is true but if it is true i don't think it's working real good, and consider paying some YouTubers for that amount of money.
I agree with you but the dead gamemodes need to go. 1000$ should go to developing/fixing bugs and making new plugins than, Than once we are happy with what Is fixed put some money Into getting youtubers to start series.
Support Within a year, the server lost like 300-400 players and nothing is being done to increase these numbers. The server really needs a boost or else it will continue to go down hill.