No support, technically your making people lose their hard earned money, imo to get unblacklisted is just don't give donors much difference in games
I don't like the idea of paying for something and not even getting it... That's why there was so much EULA drama.
No support I have been on servers where they had these kind of ways to rank up. I have seen lots of people who have bought ranks, not knowing that they have to go into pvp and live and survive and so many people have died and lost it to someone else. Basically when that happens the usual response is salt but it's true though you spent $5-$250 and you get nothing in return? That will piss anyone off. Usually the people who dies with theses rank papers are kids themselves. Then they rage quit and the people who actually has money won't spend anymore money on the server. Also it's the whole server versus one, you can say you can hide in pvp but thats kinda hard when everyone is looking for you. Then there are people who played the longest would be the most equipped to steal these ranks from people who could possibly just started playing. There's another problem with things such as a higher up rank kill a person that has bought the lower rank, I have seen people hold onto these low rank paper and when the time is us on them it's basically a waste as the rank doesn't apply to them and the paper disappear. Then there's the thought of someone killing someone and getting the ranking paper, then selling it to someone to only have the person be killed again by the person who sold it to then. I just hate it so much, basically we are supporting thievery of people's hard earned money. There are so much negative things that comes with it.