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  • How to Fix Factions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by zinncraft, Feb 2, 2019.


    Do you think Mineverse Factions has a future?

    Poll closed May 13, 2019.
    1. Yes, we can rebuild the playerbase and it will be worth it

      7 vote(s)
    2. No, trying to revive Mineverse is a waste of effort

      3 vote(s)
    1. zinncraft

      zinncraft Active Member

      Mar 5, 2015
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      I know I cant be the only one sad about the obvious death of this server. Compared to 2015 Mineverse, the server is inactive. Mineverse factions was the best factions experience Ive ever had and its a shame that its seemingly over. Obviously Minecraft isnt as popular as it was in 2015 and there are so many servers to choose from, only the ones that stand out big time maintain healthy player counts. What keeps players is fun gameplay and thriving community. The catch 22 here is that to build a community you need a community. Thats us, those of us who are still here and still care about Mineverse. I may have taken a few years off but Im back and not willing to let this server die without a fight.
      To fix Mineverse, the owners of the server need to drop some money on advertising. If there is no budget then obviously there is no advertising, and im not sure how Mineverse could still be seeing income with such low numbers.
      Alternative to paid advertising, those of us who play here and want to see the server back up and running could take the issue into our own hands. I have an inactive Youtube channel like Im sure many of the other players here. We could personally create content i.e. lets plays, raid cams, tutorials, etc... I think the best way to revive Mineverse is for us to channel our inner creativity and work as a group.
      Im sure there are other ways to up the player count but thats for the owners of the server to figure out. All I know is I want to play factions and I want to do it on Mineverse, just not the current Mineverse.

      Perhaps Im yelling into an empty room and no one else cares this much but I had to make this thread for the sake of the memories I made in-game with Mineverse.

      Attached Files:

    2. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      Moving to the correct forum.

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