Here are simple steps to drive a car, and not only that, you will be so good at it, you will be invited by NASCAR. You will competing in matches that you dreamed of, and will get sued by Freddy Krueger. 1. If you're driving a car, get the fastest one. I would highly recommend a car that uses a lot of gas, can go only up to 50 miles per hour, and looks lame. The ugliest cars are the best cars, and this is the car I would recommend. -Not only is this a fast car, it can pack a huge mileage of under 1 mile. You can drive this anywhere and get the ladies in the ocean. (p.s. would recommend to drive car in ocean. 100% safe and clean.) -This car is fricking brand new! Like cmon, look at that killer paintjob with the brown and tan. And you get fresh air with those broken window panes. LOOK AT THAT ENGINE. OMG. Super sexy. This thing will get you around the world in only 9000000000 trillion years. Pretty fast. 1a. Another car I would recommend. -Simplistic style is always the best. You get the most speed and endurance. This car is a 4-wheel drive. Made out of crappy wood that came from the dumpster, and specialized wheels that have been made to not work! It's a real beauty. -No windows or anything else! All you have to do is hop on it and you are set! You got a bunch of room in the trunk where you can store crap. Now those pesky flies won't be flying at your window anymore and ruining your beauty. 2. Pick the car that has a cool looking symbol on it. I would recommend the, "living dog taped to front car" symbol. -A deer's head with it's tongue sticking out symbol. -An actual car on top of a car symbol. -Daniel's White Vans symbol. -Toilet symbol. 3. Throw out your old lame car. Forget your LAMEborghini! That crap ain't fast enough! It can barely go up to 175+ miles per hour while your new car can go up to 50 miles per hour. 50 miles per hour is 10x faster than 175 miles. Forget your Boogeratti. Ugly paintjob and cheap as ****. With your new car, it only cost you around 25u28962896298698269828962 trillion dollars. Your new car is 10x cheaper than that lame car. Forget your Oddi R8. That thing has the ugliest wheels I ever seen. Your new car has better wheels, Like if I were to go to my car. LOOK. You see that? Look at my whe- Wait. What happened to my wheels. Wait... my car never had wheels... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 4. Crash and Burn Practice your driving. It only cost you your life when your car is more valuable. TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR. Forget about your life. That's not important, what is important is being able to drive a car. All you have to do is carry your car up a mountain with your hands, and then drive down the mountain. The mountain must meet these requirements: -326526829672862968297689278927892 feet tall. -On the other side of the mountain, at the bottom, should be a spikey hill when you drive down the mountain. -The mountain must be in America and on the other side, is Canada or any other country you live in. If it meets these expectation, have fun evading other countries! You are dead :D these are all the tips you need to drive a car. NASA-CARTfan41265126: omg, idiot doesn't know how to druve a cart. u have to get a license you ediot. readterd. get gud pleb SheepGuYnumber352628629628962986829682962897626725149015891671896918419841: omg, hav u gois sean my usernayme. ayemazing. passwordisDeezNuts: lmao, gud thread. barry bad grammar tho. get gud. its *Crush and Barn, not crash and burn. dumb kid don't know crap. I'm 9 and def oldie then u. CODGHOSTER21: Stop guys, this guy was just doing this for comedy. passwordisDeeznuts replies: stfu pleb, don't know crep. your grammer socs and speltbing is bed. gg.