1. Annoy TF out of everyone. 2. Consistently ask people for things then deny doing it. 3. Ask why you are hated over and over again. 4. Be a racist and a sexist. 5. Talk about how Hitler was right. 6. Troll, scam, and lie to people. 7. Be rude to almost everyone. 8. Be a hardcore pessimist. 9. Tell people to go away when they just joined the forums. 10. Be a grammar natzi. 11. Do this everyday. 12. Love doing it. How to be like me. Enjoy!
1. Annoy TF out of everyone. check 2. Consistently ask people for things then deny doing it. check 3. Ask why you are hated over and over again. check 4. Be a racist and a sexist. just nope (sometimes) 5. Talk about how Hitler was right. he kinda was 6. Troll, scam, and lie to people. i like troll but Nu scam 7. Be rude to almost everyone. check 8. Be a hardcore pessimist. kinda 9. Tell people to go away when they just joined the forums. nope 10. Be a grammar natzi. my grammar is good spelling sucks 11. Do this everyday. check 12. Love doing it. some times do