How does someone already have 10 votes when it's only the 8th of the month??O_o Before the 8th the top guy had 7 votes. This is getting really annoying because this is the website that is used to decide the top 5 voters of the month. The website where players go to vote got a top voter ranking system a while ago that is accurate to the voting. I know people say it's because they have Argentina timezone or something like that, but I doubt that they get 2 days in advance. I've been working since May to get top voter and it's stuff like this that stops people like me from getting top voter. I'd really like this to be changed so it's fair for everyone. The first website I showed has a random and different order each time for the voters that are tied. The second website shows who has been the first to vote in the day when there is a tie. I prefer the random order but because of the problem previously stated it's unfair to most people who try to get top voter. I'd just like this to get fixed or at least get the problem fixed. A good idea to get the problem fixed is to still use the first website, but disqualify those who have more votes than number of days. I really hope this gets fixed. Thank you for reading and (if you do) for replying your perspective of this problem.
IKR? It's really annoying whenever this happens. I swear, every time I try going for top voter, someone keeps FREAKING over-voting/cheating/hacking and giving themselves extra votes...
I don't think voting for other people works. If it does, I guess I tried to do it wrong:L Can people vote for other people? @ScoFu13
Yes you can put someone else's name on to vote, but not if you already voted that day. It's one ip vote per day. But also, you can't have your user name voted more than once per voting period, I believe though its not truly every 24 hours. A little less I believe. Timing is everything.
So if I vote and get 1vote for my score. Then if a friend goes to vote but puts my name instead will I get another 1vote for my score? If so will I also get the bonuses in-game?
He's saying that you can vote in less than 24 hours, you can't double vote. You can't vote for a person more than once within that time frame. If the player who had 10 votes achieved the extra 2 in less than a day, then I would definitely expect something strange going on.
It's…. strange. You see, My IGN is sticstar, and after I voted ( As usual ) I tried loading the site just for reassurance that my vote counted towards the site. When i tried to load the site, it said.. "This site is currently down for maintenance"?….. I quit out of the internet, Loaded it back up, and as soon as i tried loading the page, it was working again… only now it said i have 9 votes on the 8th day, and some guy has 10?
The same thing happened to September... I had all 30 votes, and someone has 31 or 32 votes. It's honestly upsetting me, because I'm never going to get Top 5 with some noob having 10 votes on the 8th day (7th for me.)
To be completely honest I don't have any special knowledge of how the voting stiff works. I vote here and there for different perks, not super regularly nor got to voter (im staff and don't get donor perks and I don't want to take the opportunity from you guys) but for the longest time I've seen ppl vote everyday and not win yup voter. There is some method/sequence/being in game/timing that some ppl know. Ask the top voters. I truly have no idea and have always wondered the same.
I'd also like to know if he got someone to vote for him and it shows it on the first website, how come it doesn't show that someone voted for him on the second website?
I think anyone who gets more votes than you can should either be excluded for that month or ip banned as its not fair on all u guys who try and win but gets beat by these hackers
I've tried asking them, but the problem is, they just won't spill the beans :P. They all just say " I just voted every day " lol.
There is a IP glitch people use at certain times of the day, which is really annoying, but we have to deal with it. It was first used after I won for my second time. Source: Winner 2x