How I got my name thread thingy (Made this cus @Reforming thought my name meant something else) So how I got my name, well one day 2-3 years ago when I first got my iPad. So a couple weeks after I got it I downloaded Clash of clans because at the time it just came out and was like on the top games and stuff. So I downloaded it before school and before I could finish the download I had to go to school. After I got home from school I totally forgot about clash and played a ton of other games that I downloaded. Well at the time the iPad was shared between my brother and I since we only had one, well he loaded the game started the clash of clans app and started playing when I wasn't watching. Well he just spammed letters and stuff since at the time he couldn't read or write, it came out something like this herfihijii. Well when one day I decided to play clash because I had totally forgot about it I realized that someone had already started it up and put in a name, I didnt really care at the time so I left it. A couple months later I then decided to try and change it (I couldn't) so I just left it, when I joined the clan that I've been in for almost 2 years now they all called me Herf for short since herfihijii was way harder to say / spell. It pretty much stuck from there, I named my team herfihijii then my Mc account Herf_. Ye so thats the story. EDIT: So @MaxNinja10 asked how I got the name W4FFL3_SLAYER (My 1st name) Well this story is much shorter. So it was my friends birthday and I decided to get him Minecraft since we both had been playing the free version for a couple weeks and we were in love with it. So I decided to get it also a couple days after he got it, We decided to make our names something the same so that it would look cool, something like a "clan". I have no clue how we decided on waffle or why we put numbers instead of A and E but whatever :p
Problably not using it to read or play educational games, using it to play flash games and downloadables :P