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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jadey64, Jun 20, 2014.

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    1. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Players in-game name: lola_perez123
      How you met this player: I met her in Infection,
      Why is this player a great friend: Lola is a awesome friend, she is so nice and kind to everyone, she is responsible, very funny, helpful and she is never rude to anyone, but I never see her due to timezones.
    2. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Players in-game name: Buntobaga
      How you met this player: When I first opened my eyes in my mums tummeh I was like "WAHHHH GO away stalker!"
      Why is this player a great friend: I've known him every second of my life (litterally :o)
      He's an idiot a lot doe :>
      • Like Like x 1
    3. jadey64

      jadey64 Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2014
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      Players in-game name: Ducky_Puppy
      How you met this player: I met him in Factions, I think or was it Infection, or Prison..
      Why is this player a great friend: He is a very nice person, very kind, and very funny, in prison we made a faction in the free world above a village that he tnted, we also lived next to a biome with lots of acacia wood trees, and that was our supply of wood, anyway one day I came back and it was sorta griefed, so I ran off into the wild, and found some other villages.
    4. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Players in-game name: Sooperaya
      How you met this player: Forums
      Why is this player a great friend: When I first met him, wel he was nice to people a lot. That wanted me to be friends with him, and I play with him any chance I get now, even after 8 months :D
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Jake did that :P
    6. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Oh I didn't see this before :p
      Thank you jadey :) you're a really great friend as well ;)
    7. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      (I'll do the people that I still think are true friends to me)

      Players in-game name: jadey64

      How you met this player:
      I first saw him on Infection being such a nub and he was RCT. He laughed at some of my jokes, usually saying "LOL". He got a lucky 100 XP and I was very surprised, and so I asked him to team with me.

      Why is this player a great friend:
      He's all around a great friend. He's usually very funny and loves talking to people and making new friends. He is friendly to anyone and everyone :)

      Players in-game name: pokemaniac01

      How you met this player:
      I met him last December when he was a rct after his levels were reset. He kept telling me he was better and he annoyed me so much, I went to the point of calling him f***ot :p

      Why is this player a great friend:
      He is nice to everyone. He constantly makes new friends and isn't shy to make any. He's a really great moderator on the server and he's very helpful. I like him because he has such a positive attitude and won't let anything break him down

      Players in-game name: Firo3000

      How you met this player:
      I met him when I first started playing on Mineverse. He was hanging out with his buddies that were around his prestige as well; The_Ice_Phoenix, GamerofTime1, Desmond, etc...
      One day I received an extra 15 levels on Infection, and he was surprised by it :p
      After that, I asked him if I could team with him, and he agreed. He was very friendly with me and we had that one Skype call, and we played Trouble in Mineville. After that, literally, one day later, he gave me his phone number. And so we texted on and on :p

      Why is this player a great friend:
      He is not shy to make friends, he has a bunch of friends everywhere. He is nice to everyone that comes across him with a question or so. He's very friendly. He isn't going to turn down someone because of their rank or infection level, or if they talk like a noob. He will gladly help everyone. He's very mature. He doesn't talk out of hand (not always :>) he does what is right and reports anyone that has done someting wrong, even if it's a friend. He is a great friend. Recently, I think him and I have hit the lowest point in our friendship, but I don't think we've completely hit rock bottom. I guess this is sort of an apology to him, and any other hurtful thing I've said or done to him in the past. We always find someway out of the abyss :>

      Players in-game name: HipsterChick/Sienathebanana

      How you met this player: I met her awhile ago on these forums. She was quite nice to me, and I had heard she had a few reports of her being rude, but I don't think that's the entire truth. She's very nice and helpful on the forums, and she makes me laugh :3

      Why is this player a great friend:
      She is extremely nice. She is funny in anyway I could imagine. She has a great and positive attitude and is always having fun. She's very outgoing and loving :>
      • Like Like x 1
    8. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Players in-game name: almarobb123

      How you met this player: lol i think we teamed in infection one time, we then got eachothers Skype.

      Why is this player a great friend: What's great about alma? pfft, that's easy! Alma is a very honest person. She knows how to make people laugh. She's very kind also. i have never seen her be rude to any players. She is very caring, smart, outgoing and a loving person :)
    9. RachetSenpai

      RachetSenpai Boss Member

      Nov 26, 2013
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      Players in-game name: rachetclanks

      How you met this player: We both had an argument an' I killed him.

      Why is this player a great friend: He let me kill him.
    10. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      I'd love to meet this 'rachetclanks' guy sometime.
    11. kitkat6605910

      kitkat6605910 Legendary Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Players in-game name: jadey64

      How you met this player: Infection

      Why is this player a great friend: what's not to love about jadey? his funny, smart, friendly, kind and mature. He cares about everyone and he is just a great person to be around. He always has a positive attitude and his never rude to anyone.

      Players in-game name: Ducky_Puppy

      How you met this player: Factions

      Why is this player a grat friend: Ducky is a very kind person. He knows how to make people laugh. He is a very nice person and he can just brighten your day. He is very fun to be around.

      Players in-game name: Elizeee (seamus_carcrash)

      How you met this player: Factions

      Why is this player a great friend: Seamus is a person you can trust. She cares about people. She's so helpful and kind. She can always make you laugh. If you ever feel sad or anything, you can always count on her.

      Players in-game name: Grace_Chua

      How you met this player: Infection

      Why is this player a great friend: Grace is such a sweet person! She has a bright personality and you can rely on her. She can always brighten your day and make you laugh or smile.

      Sorry if I missed anyone ;-; theres too many :P
      • Like Like x 1
    12. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2013
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      Players in-game name: iiPartyHatii
      How you met this player: I met him on the forums. His forum username is eco79. I then saw him on survival.
      Why is this player a great friend: He makes me laugh with his derp skin. He is very kind to me and everyone. He gave me and my friend kit MVP everyday when I had no rank. He helped me build my home and played skywars, survival, creative, kitpvp, and more. Ahh, good times :)
      • Like Like x 1
    13. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      Players in-game name:

      How you met this player:
      I met VaMeSa on OP PvP way back in January. Man, she was a total nub (Still is to this day :p). We hated each other. I honestly couldn't stand her guts. I'd kill her every single time and aw, she would rage and it was the cutest thing ever.

      We didn't skype until three months later ;).

      Why is this player a great friend:
      I generally talk to her more than any other players and out of the people on Mineverse, she is probably the closest to me. She genuinely makes me laugh and smile on a regular basis. I love her sense of humor. She has a great personality. I just love everything about her (especially her face huehue) Love you babe :).
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2014
    14. Skydiver

      Skydiver Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2014
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      Player's in-game name:
      How you met this player:
      I'm not sure......Maybe Infection
      Why is this player a great friend:
      He is a awesome friend, he is very kind and helpful. It's obvious he should get Mod.
      He is also an active friend, funny and respectful. He is also brilliant at some gamemodes. Therefore, he should get Mod NOW!​
    15. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Players in-game name: Ares_Xena
      How you met this player: When I first joined survival, I saw his name in chat a lot. But we really started talking when I got elite and he had elite also.
      Why is this player a great friend?: He's very helpful in-game. He's an amazing builder and I'm sure if you asked for help he'd help you. He's really funny, and he makes other players laugh. Ares is an amazing friend to have.
    16. VaMeSa123

      VaMeSa123 Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      Players in-game name: PandaBear_
      How you met this player: I met her first on oppvp I hate her so much. I thought she was a boy, and a toal noob. We started to skype 3 months after and became close friends ever since.
      Why is this player a great friend?
      She have a great personality. She's very a funny. She have always been by my side,been through the good and the bad. Seen the worst and the best of me. when I had no more hope. You've become like a sister to me rather than a friend. This bond is unbreakable as it means everything to me.
      Though I make stupid mistakes and judgements you are always the first to forgive because you understand me so well. In my eyes, you are perfection and I look up to you.
      I hope you feel the same way about our sisterly bond, I don't want to ever separate from you.
      I love you sis, you're the best
      *hug her*
      *possible tears streaming down face*
    17. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Players IGN: Lola_perez123
      How you met this player: Creative, when we went invisible and tp'd to random people and freaked them out, until someone recognized my rose on my back :haha: I don't think I've ever had so much fun on Creative!!
      Why this player is a great friend: Omigod, she's hilarious for one, she's super helpful with everything and to everyone, and SOO sweet! She is going to be a great mod one day :rolleyes:
    18. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      You poopy. Stop crying nub. I lovez yhu.
    19. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Players in-game name: MiningCreeper... (Numbers) Blegh.
      How I met Mining: I met Mining when I was browsing the forums I believe. We were acquaintances then, I'm glad we are now friends. :3
      What is great about Mining: Everything. I haven't spotted one thing that I could be frustrated, mad, or aggravated about with her. I've talked to her maybe 5 times, and each time she managed to make me smile or laugh. She's an amazing person, and friend.

      I'm so sorry it's short! I'm really tired, and I am not in the typing mood... Even though I do it all day. Sorry Mining. <33
    20. Stocko14

      Stocko14 Active Member

      Feb 20, 2014
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      Players in-game name: Pile_of_Butts
      How you met this player: On Factions about a year ago. She sent me a massage saying that some one was using op diamond sword and I nearly blanked it but I'm glad I didn't, we're best friends now.
      Why this player is a great friend: Pile's always helping me with my new builds and is one of the most amazing people I know
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