I suggest to make chances of getting a beacon in survival gamemode higher so we can get a beacon easier, maybe make the chances of getting a beacon in leg crate 7%? and epic 5%? some players in survival cant even get a single beacon, and i opened like 30 epic crates to get a beacon so pls make the chances of getting a beacon in survival gamemode higher and btw maybe can lower the quest points of getting a leg key in survival?
I like the sound of the idea. I think the increase of percent is a wonderful idea but, with the quest points lowered I think its a bad idea due to players can get a probability of 4-10 quest points a day with bonus points. It will conclude having a legendary key every 2-3 days which is quite overpowered. Ill keep it as a neutral for now Im really down to read other comments to se what other think though!
its true that there will be 2 many leg keys, so maybe it doesnt need to change. btw the quest Its Spooky Down Here should be remove, does anyone agree to that cuz that quest require u to loot 8 mineshaft chest minecart, but 1 minesheft only has like 4 chest minecarts plus most mineshefts has already been looted so perhaps the quest can change?
No support. it is way to easy to get epic keys. in my opinion they should lower the chances to get beacon since you can get 1 epic key everyday and beacons should be the rarest item and hard to get.