HIDE VOTES We get spammed with these 'Vote messages' every time someone vote.. yeah. i suggest that if you have voted for the server the votes messages gets hided until you can vote again i already suggested this on my main account, but who cares, lol.
Support. Or maybe keep them visible only to the person that actually voted so they know it went through.
Support. I hate how people come to the server while they voted 56146544651465494645977979 times and then they spam the whole chat...
Ugh. I hate it when people vote about 500 times and then join a game mode for the first time. Make it so it says [Player voted] at vote.mineverse.com [x500] Something like that Support
Support. But the thing is... how would we know if we voted? xD [Just a tip for you guys: Check if you have received the money/items.]
Neutral, Some people may vote for others and for confirmation that it has gone through may relay on the system we have right now of it being global, Also I think the idea to start with was you get a shout out in game for voting for all to see. I think it's a good idea to maybe have a toggle type system for it so players can turn it off if they want their chat clean.
Support I absolutely hate when people get in the server and the vote messages flood the chat and end up disconnecting people off the server
Support! Yes it doe's get annoying in the chat, with it spamming and causing some lag here and there, but also people do need to be informed. There is the option of /vp which will tell how many votes you do need to have a DropParty, but then again that doesn't really relate to this topic matter. Like TADS4 said... Make it shorter and not let it be more of a ignorance in the chat with people spamming the chat with it. It is a issue and it doe's annoy a lot of people even myself so doing something about this can really benefit all of us. -MrBigDaddy146