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    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Jennie, Aug 31, 2014.

    1. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Well Herro der...

      You know what, Ima just copy and paste my other one from the Skyblock forums, kthnx.

      I don't really know how to start this but here goes nothing.

      A little bit about me first: I live in Ontario, Canada. I like to draw, Read, Anything that takes my concentration off other things, I was born May 31st 2001, I grew up on a horse farm with 3 cats Jasper, Yoda and TuffGuy, and 3 Dogs, Bonnie, Clyde and Rascal, as well as a couple horses. I now only have 3 dogs, Rosie, Bonnie and Clyde and my one cat Jasper. I used to have a cat named Mickey but my sister left the door open and he ran away. When my sister was born our farm house became to small so we moved into a more public area and my grandpa moved into the farm house. When I was young I got bitten by a chipmunk :p I dropped my sister down 2 flights of stairs once, I'm pretty shy and have a very low self esteem but I don't let peoples words get to me.

      Okay onto the real stuff. As you know I grew up on a farm and you'd think my life was just peachy but no. My mom thought that beating me and my siblings would be a good way to make us behave, so I suffered from abuse and bullying from people at school who I used to consider friends.

      With that I ended up telling my grade 3 teacher about my home problems and she called kids help phone who came and talked to me and my brother at school one day. They went to my home and confronted my mother and she got angry. She started calling me verbally abusive names and it still continues to this day.

      After 4 more years of her abuse I told my dad. He and my mom are getting divorced and everyday my mom says its all my fault. My brother now hates me because he blames me for making us have to move schools making him loose all his friends. My mom encourages my sister younger sister not to talk to me because I'm a bad influence.

      My sister doesn't talk to me anymore. My brother does sometimes but most times it's mean things. The only people I feel I can always have in my life is my Dad and my Dog Rosie. Only recently did I tell my dad about my suicidal and depressed thoughts and now he's very protective of me.

      Yeah I know lots of people have much worse problems but I still have problems no matter the size. After the move my dad bought me and my brother Laptops to take out minds off the move. I just started getting the hang of using it when I stumbled across minecraft. I remember looking at the demo and thinking that this was the perfect place to escape my pain.

      It really works. Later I stumbled across some pvp server and I met some people I considered close friends. Their names were Kian123qwe and j_e_r_e_m_y_ Kian told me about some skyblock server I had to try and I typed the ip wrong and ended up on skyblock.net. I played for a while and saw all these nice people in chat helping one another and making jokes. I soon told Kian and Jeremy about this server and we all made an island together.

      After lots of hard work and active playing I became slightly wealthy with 2 stacks of grass 10 diamonds and some other items. I then met @kuraiibu when she wasn't a mod. She was the person I called on to god my items. I looked up to her. Then I noticed that I always saw some person named @Taylor1211 online and I kinda just ignored her because she seemed to cool to talk to some green bean like me.

      Later I opened a casino and hired Qeis, XxbarryscottxX and some others to work there to tp people and work the casino and shop. I was pretty wealthy in grass so I payed everyone of my workers 1 grass a day. Later on in skyblock life I learned you could pick up spawners with silk touch picks and at the time I was broke after being griefed and looted with no logs.

      And I made the poor decision of griefing 4 spawners from a poor innocent donor. I felt so bad after and turned myself in to a mod. The mod banned me but at the time I didn't know how to appeal. So I just kinda went off to other servers even though I was pretty upset. At the time I used my brothers account since I didn't have one. Later on my friend craftwaffle555 gave me this account and right away I logged onto skyblock.net. Everything had changed. I couldn't pick up spawners with silk touch and I couldn't buy horse spawn eggs.

      I guessed things changed in about a year. I then notified kian123qwe that I was back and he added me to his coop. When I played on my brothers account I was also friends with Bloodaxe13 and his brother FEARYOURDEATH131 because I had helped them with their island. They invited me to their coop and I stay there for a while. Then I left that coop to make my own with @TurboTan1 and then thats when I began talking to @Taylor1211 and by now she was a full mod.

      Taylor, Turbo, McFlauge and I were like bestfriends then we all drifted apart. I still miss hanging out with all of them at the same time. I still talk to Taylor obviously but less with Turbo and a lot less with McFlauge. Finally I guess I got bored of my island and gave it to Lizzy(random numbers here) a 100 donor and went off to make a new island.

      Later I added DopeForDays and Awesome(Idk the rest) to my island and met @supercookies998 @snowiecurtaz,@Snowboardking454, @SwimHornet, Lemonz(xXProdigyXx or something like that), @ctarbell, Camy(numbers), and some others. Cookie bought me 10$ Donor and I became more noticed. We used to be this huge group of friends and then we all drifted apart when I broke my laptop charger.

      Later I met @shadowdragon8798 and Goldchain and we kinda just skyped a lot. Then came the day when Shadow was going to quit. I begged him for so long not to go, He gave me items and the next day I returned every item except the one thing I still cherish today. The zombie egg he allowed me to keep. Then I broke my laptop charger and I drifted apart with everyone except Snow, Shadow and Goldchain.

      During that time I had joined @shadowdragon8798's coop and met Goldchain. I skyped a lot with them on my phone then around 2 months later my dad surprised me by buying me a new charger and I was literally so happy I cried. I finally was able to be back with all my friends. When I logged on I felt sad that most my friends hardly remembered me.

      Then I donated myself to 25 and met @HannahSue, @RoyalPro Player, @SkyttlesOG, @CreepstrGrl and @Cheeseboy9000and we skype called a lot and we had our own little group thing then that drifted apart and we all kinda just said "Hi" a couple times then I met @Blade999999 and we talked for a while and later on her donated me to 50$ Donor.

      Life carried on then I became more known in the community and finally met @Derpeh, @malachich, and@brandonMC2001 and I kinda thought of Rachel as the sister I've always needed. Later on Shadow upgraded me to 100 and I was much more known and got quite a lot of spam mostly about enchanting ;3

      Finally I met @Shiningnova06 while I was a 100 and we became besties5ever and then later I donated @Shiningnova06,@RoyalPro Player and I to 250 and then Shadow and I to 400. I began helping people as much as I could and it got me here today.

      I'm very grateful for the friends I have today like @shadowdragon8798, @Livvy, @Taylor1211, @Dewmellon,@keeper_of_flame, @Im Tubeless, @RoyalPro Player, @SkyttlesOG, @Blade999999, @malachich, @Derpeh, @Archeopstoms,@pyhxil, @EnderDragon47, @Lopk, @SirStealYourGirl, @UpsettedFizz and many more others. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for these people, They helped me, They pushed me to be who I am now. And I'm happy I met these great people.

      Thank you for reading my introduction sorry it's so long :p

      ~Jennie Out <3
      • Like Like x 4
    2. Glaadiator

      Glaadiator Boss Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Hii! Nice to see you here! Welcome!! :happy: <3 <3
    3. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Hello there! :)
      Welcome to the Mineverse forums! :cat:
    4. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Welcome to our wonderful community c:

      If you need any help, ask any available moderator :cat:
    5. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Thanks <3
    6. Skyttles

      Skyttles Active Member

      Aug 8, 2014
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      whalecome to mineverse forums :t:
    7. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Glaad is love, Glaad is life <3
    8. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      tysm bby ;* :t:
    9. MrFishlips

      MrFishlips Experienced Member

      Jul 13, 2014
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      Your face is hot

      & also Hai!!!!! Welcome to Mineverse Forums!!!! I'm sorry you have had such a bad life. Hopefully it gets better and better :)

      All the best :)

      P.s* I have stood up to bully's to. They then started to leave me alone*
      Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
    10. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Awe Thanks <3
    11. VecterSigma

      VecterSigma Experienced Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      I second that, Welcome to your new home away from home!
    12. Jennie

      Jennie Active Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      You guys are so friendly here <3
    13. MrFishlips

      MrFishlips Experienced Member

      Jul 13, 2014
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      Sorry I keep bumping, It's just so sad, I'm atually crying when I heard the word abusive. Hopefully you can trust me and ask me anything :)

      Also you just got your first Follower :)
    14. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      SupaMonkei! :D

      Welcome to Mineverse. :)
      Also, ily. Don't be afraid to come talk to me whenever you need to. <3
    15. rjnosidam

      rjnosidam Guest

      Welcome! :happy:
      Don't be afraid, we don't bite! *cough* Sala *cough*
      • Like Like x 1
    16. RachetSenpai

      RachetSenpai Boss Member

      Nov 26, 2013
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      Hai~ :3

      Welcome. :)
      Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
    17. Christi

      Christi Boss Member

      Dec 1, 2013
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      Welcome <33 Hope you like it here!! :)
    18. Rakion

      Rakion Boss Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      Hey Jen, welcome to Mineverse.
      Glad you could join us, feel free to ask me some questions ;)
    19. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Welcome to the Mineverse Forums! If anyone is mean to you let me know. I will eat them alive (I do bite)
    20. SwimHornet

      SwimHornet Active Member

      May 3, 2014
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      Awe she tagged me :')

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