You Should Make A new Game, Like a game That there is walls and 4 sections u need to get resources in 10 mins and u then need to pvp as a team or solo depends on the mode u joined and then the last team/man standing wins and recieves 150 rubies and the rubies can be used to buy kits
I am still neutral, I do support having some new games and changing it up a little, but I would explain the game a little more and explain why you think that game in particular should be added to mine verse.
i dont think that game should be added but i was giving an example saying that u can put this game u can also get an idea and reply it here my main is we should add new games and change it up but a support is this game i said its just an idea only
No support. I think to gai new players we should focus on fixing the current gamemodes before we consider adding any more :P
This makes me think of the gamemode "The Walls" on hypixle. But before I support this I think other gamemodes should be fixed before a new one is added. Therefor I am neutral.
No support, this game already exists as ' The Walls ', and there are enough game-modes that could be developed.