@TeamTyler @Hells Redempt @Snowy @Tepig4321 Start a conversation with me when possible so we can discuss when I give you your stuff
What is your in-game name? ImMrStealYoGurt Why do you need this item? (Op factions) I have been raided, so I'm low on gear. So giving me all of this can help me get back on my feet. Thanks <3.
Sorry i died Let someone else have it Btw i was looking at the how to judge someones app And it said don't judge them on if they give you free stuff
Yeah ik but I was putting it out there And I didn't say he was bribing anyone But anyways Give your donation to me to @YRVintage
If you want, I can hold your money and vault on OP Factions if you want. You do realize that everyone already knows that you are a kind hearted person right? Might as well apply: What is your in game name: NoMoreSanity Why do you need this item: I will hold your money and vault just in case you want your stuff back :D
I will give u some things but I would like to keep the majority of my money and vault To everyone!!! I am coming online right now.
I can safely say that @SnakeVenomPvP gave me his Hellblock kit. I am grateful for Snake to be so nice. EVERYONE SUPPORT HIS MOD APP WHILE HE GIVES FREE SH** OUT!
This is extremely nice of you to donate all of these items. Someone will be very lucky! I am not trying to win, I just want to say, you're a good person.