Guys private message please, as this is off topic ;) @NoMoreSanity or @Smiley can you close this, as this has been resolved
Is this actually resolved? So I can't get my spawner back even I asked a staff before that and he said I can silk a spawner? And I lost my spawner without any notice of can't silk a spawner and you guys only say you can't do anything about this?
When is this "update" that I never get notice instead a staff said that I can silk a spawner then I lost it because "as stated above, you can't get refunds from things ingame" is updated? Like when that we can't silk spawners?
Sorry, but even if you lost something ingame, you can't get it back, even if you were unaware of the update.
Maybe a week ago or so ;) But if you are asking when this update is going to end, its up to the Devs/Owners
I guess when I broke it, it is like seconds after that update, since no one knows and all of them just call me to tell Cypt so he can refund it, only except he would reply this thread, or I should never get my spawner back ;(
;( I am really tired of this, now I just wanna wish MV staff please just think how to update but also let all players know, any staff could lock this but please just consider this message and improve next time, thanks. ( No Offense, just advice ;))
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff