@melgrath @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @PandaBear__ I traded For the Rank Titan and Now i Have a Threat To do a Charge BACK HELP! they are SCAMMING!
This explains it all @BragG14. Read the last comment, will ya? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/rank-scamming-ban-consequence.43377/page-2 @NuclearHorse
No you will not canucks, there is a rule that prevents you from doing that. I suggest you read the last comment in the thread above. Nuclearhorse nor I did anything wrong. I will gladly explain the story Brad and Proster refuse to tell. Brad also states I will lose everything which is indicating he and his brother will attempt to hack our accounts.
The 100$ was part of the deal, we even agreed upon it, and now he wont pay me the money, Im not the scammer, he is
Your right you and your brother are scripting freaks. Don't set sidetracked either, it makes your argument look weak.
Lol i cant Hack i HAVE NO CLUE what ur talking about so u know i did not rank scam i got Proof of the Deal Bieng OVER so its AGAINST the rules i DID NOT SCAM he said deal was OvER
Oh really, lol? I love how your scum brother is threatening to hack us over and over again, why wont he just do it? Then you both can get perm banned, try it.