Help anyone moderators,admin,staffs. So today i tp to someone and it crashed me on creative. i think its a crashed plot. Please make me tp back to spawn or wherever it will be very helpful thanks. my mc name is AliceLpsHui.
You may have bought it already before. You would have to wait until tomorrow. Each player gets one Tp to Spawn a day. I recommend you wait in the lobby for about 10 minutes before logging into creative after getting it. This is so your transaction can fully process through. If you still don't get tp'd back after tomorrow, feel free to message me.
Thanks very much but how do i use it? i havent log on yet. Will it automaticlly tp me back to spawn? haven't tried it yet.
If it doesn't work tomorrow just contact one of the staff members that are online at the time and they should be able to tp you out, since this has happened to me.