I am on creative in mineverse. When I get on a enchanted book is in my hand. When I hold it, it kills me. I spawned with it in my hand. I can't get it out of my hand because I keep dying! PLEASE HELP I CANT GET ON CREATIVE ANYMORE!!!!
This happens to often now :( Do you have any idea of what the book says?, cause if it's something in like "Good night my child" Owner/Co-owner are already informed but i suggest to PM one of our lovely mods to take the book as fast as possible from you inv!, if that dont work maybe try to /clearinventory or i think you can do /cl if you are a donnor! Also i heard in another thread you probably can use the minechat app for iphone/android to /clearinventory or /clear (Im not sure) Cause it wouldn't affect you! Hope i helped a little bit! im not sure but you might contact CypriotMerks with the [email protected]
Thank all of you I'm going to try everything you said so I hope it works! Also i had a ton of good night my child books before this but in a chest so no one would use them. And do you know why I respawned in a random place? I don't know where I am
You spawn in a random place cause the books are bugs so they make the server sometimes bug, just do /plotme home
I can't type in chat because I die instantly and I tried downloading minechat. When I got into mineverse and went into creative ( I died of course) and then I went into minechat clicked mineverse and then on the screen it said already on this server and kicked me off. I tried it multiple times but kept saying already connected to this server. Am I doing this wrong?