i joined on creative mode on my plot i was afk and i have seen this book on my invetory i did not know that that book will kill you i thought this was a joke but know its now i repeatidly keep on dying i cant press q to get it out of my inventory so i got this app that can help me go on servers without dying and i cleared my inventory i still died ive restarted my computer i wont work my computer had i virus so i had to make a new account so all my history was gone i went on minecraft and logged in on mineverse and then i went on creative i still die i remember the books name it was the magical magician my friend was there i asked for help we did not know so i went on the forums then i looks at the creative i keep dying i wont work i need help my minecraft name is budder3 and yeah this has been happening for six months. please help me.
I think I know how to fix your problem. Mineverse gets a lot of hacked items in Creative so they have added a feature in the mineverse shop (That is completely free) that makes it so you can go /ci (Clear inventory) and it gets rid of all items in your inventory. This does not involve touching the book. If this does not work or you need help with it more, just start a conversation and I can see what I can do.
@Matrix i have cleard my inventory i had diamonds somehow but yeah i have cleard it and still doesnt work i just need a mod to help me like @ScoFu13 @Yin or @FadedChristi
Try going to the donor site, There is the option to buy a free reset or clear inventory. Us mods have no permissions to do anything. I'll add the admin, he would be able to help you. @CypriotMerks
@ScoFu13 i have tried that i was looking on the forums before i made an account i have nothing in my inventory i tried this app also to clear my inventory.
i dont know what happend i went on creative i crouched i stopped dying but i look like im dying but im not ...