Hi can any Staff Member Go to archive and the well see my ban appeal Laura Accepted it but its saying kicked from lobby banned -Laura <3 Staff Disrecpect I think its Ok to any mod to unban me But if u don't Trust me see it at Archive Vedio link
How long has it been since your appeal was accepted? Sometimes the moderator that banned you that then accepted your appeal may live in a diffrent timezeone then you, I reccommend waiting a couple of days or 2 and see then, if your still not unbanned I highly reccommend you PM @Laura_or_is_it VIA Conversation, and talk about it with her, don't be inpaitent, don't argue, or you may stay banned, if she doesn't respond try emailing [email protected], wait until Noobcrew or CypriotMerks reply's, which they will eventully, tell them kindly about the situation and they'll contact Laura_or_is_it, she'll unban you from the lobby unless your lying and it was denied. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.