Hello There is a op hacker on kitpvp2, his gamertag is :thamedv3 and is clearly using them please ban him!
If you see a hacker in-game, I suggest asking an in-game mod for help if you are unable to obtain evidence yourself. A quick way to speak to a staff member is to do /staff , then click on the head of any staff member that's online to join them in-game. Just /msg them your problem from there. If no one is online, I suggest trying to seek help on the forums like you are doing. If you'd like to be able to record hackers yourself, I suggest installing some form of recording software like Bandicam. After recording, you simply need to go to the 'Reports' > 'Report a Player' section on forums and fill out the report following the template with your evidence. (If you have a youtube account, you could upload and link your videos there.)
Please report them at this link http://www.mineverse.com/forums/report-a-player.86/ Please follow the template. Closing.