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  • HELP! cant get out of nether portal

    Discussion in 'Help' started by no1likesyou, Oct 16, 2013.

    1. no1likesyou

      no1likesyou Active Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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      so i ranked up to elite in the prison server and i went into a nether portal that was open and when i was coming back out, instead of going back to the original nether portal, i was teleported to a different nether portal. this new nether portal is where im stuck at since both sides are blocked off by blocks and i cant destroy them since its on someone else's plot. I cant do /warp spawn either since i cant type while in a nether portal and i cant go back into the nether through this nether portal. Im just stuck there. please help me get out of the nether portal!
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2013
    2. jackymacky12

      jackymacky12 Active Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      It happens to me but tnx to lag I tried to kill my self by breaking the blocks and try to suffocate when the block regenerate
      But u need to know we're u died some of your items will also be in the nether dimension

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