I've been playing on the server for a long time, 2-3 years. You've probably seen me at some point. I joined the forums only about 2-3 months ago but i never did an introduction. So here is the official one. Hi there! My IGN is Villmert but you can call me Vill. I am a casual skyblocker from Sweden. I'm into playing games, many games, recently got into playing around with a 3D rendering program called Blender, 3D printing and i play tennis. I'm still in school but i have a lot of free time anyway. I don't need to study a lot for tests and stuff. I only play skyblock on the server, but i will sometimes go see whats up in the other gamemodes. I play almost everyday. How long i play varies. Sometimes for hours, sometimes i just take a quick look to see who's on. Either way im afk a lot, to keep the farms going. As you probably know, the player count on the server is declining, and skyblock is almost 100% dead but it gives me some peace of mind so i still play it. So feel free to come and visit. It's pretty lonely aside from the other players who still play regularly, like @Greencube5000 or @ZombiePunkGirl, there are other people too, but i dont know their forum profiles. I want more features to come to skyblock. That was a messy text, sorry, my native language ain't English.
Welcome to the forums! It was nice talking to you today on skyblock and you had a lot of good ideas for what should be added, hopefully we can see some of those implemented.
Welcome, Vill! You have some cool hobbies, one of my closest friends got into 3d printing recently so I'm helping out a bunch with that, and video games are obviously cool! Enjoy your stay
Thanks Hello, nice to meet you too! Definetley, SB need some plishing. Thanks Thank you Tonya. 3D printing is a cool hobby indeed. Just very time consuming. But i have a pretty sturdy printer so i dont need to repair it often.