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  • Hellblock

    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by PiMaster123, Mar 5, 2016.


    Would you try out Hellblock?

    1. HELL yes!

      0 vote(s)
    2. HELL no!(pls no)

      0 vote(s)
    1. PiMaster123

      PiMaster123 Active Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      Hi guys, its Pi and I believe this is my first post so here we go!

      As of recent, I got back into Hellblock, which for some reason always caught my attention.

      A few summers ago, I started playing Hellblock, wondering what the "Hell" (haha, its so punny... ima stop trying to make puns now) it was about. After playing for a week, I got so addicted that I spent at least 1.5 hours every day on it. The game was good, the mechanics were even better, and the friends I found on there were the best. This community was the best as for people were always so friendly and willing to help. For example, when I got my first spawner, I remember another donor (forgot who it was so sorry if you're reading this ;p; ) helped me change the mob spawner type and helped me move it around.

      Later on, I was so captivated to the point that I was online for a set time of day, it was always from 6-11 P.M., every night in the summer. It was so great, I spent $50 on Hellblock, but this was when I was a $50 donor ...@CypriotMerks ...I still have yet to get my $50 on mineverse...

      However, ever since Hellblock switched to Mineverse, nothing has been the same, all of my friends left to go back to normal skyblock or because they did not like the new Hellblock and so, I left. I do not know why it was moved to Mineverse, but I blame Cyp...

      All salt aside tho, I just missed those days and I want to promote the whole idea of Hellblock back to the community, because every time I am on, there is always one person who joins for about 5 minutes and then leaves, even some who join for a split second and when i press tab, they're gone, which really upsets me, and there is always this longing for the old Hellblock, having the old community back, so to anyone reading this, please play Hellblock, it is an awesome gamemode and I would appreciate it if it could be as busy as the other servers.


      I'm jking Cyp, I wouldn't flame anyone on forums without a true purpose.
      I'm serious about the $50 donor on Mineverse, and I have proof so pls ;p; lemme have it.
      I enjoyed the nether crops plugin so ;p; it would be nice for farming.
      These post scripts were meant for Cyp so its fine if you read it ;p; but it was not intended
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2016

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