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  • [Hellblock] Starter's Guide & Information

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by maxutah, May 29, 2015.

    1. maxutah

      maxutah Guest

      What is Hellblock?
      Hellblock is a version of skyblock which is in the nether. There is no time and no water. It has the same concept as skyblock, which is to build and island expand and make money (Money in most versions).

      Getting Started
      To start your hellblock island your going to use the command /island. It should make you an island that may look similar to skyblock's.

      There should be a chest which includes the follow items:

      • 1x Bucket
      • x2 Bones
      • 1x Nether Wart
      • 1x Oak Sapling
      • 1x Brown Mushroom
      • 1x Red Mushroom
      You may notice that your island is made out of dirt. that is hellblock's dirt basically. Under the first layer of soul sand in the middle's corner, there is some dirt to grow trees.
      CAUTION: There is lava under the first layer in two spots! Leave it there, you'll need it!

      What Makes Hellblock Different?
      You may have noticed that there is not water or lava in the chests. The reason for this is because hellblock does not have cobblestone generators. Instead of cobblestone it uses a plugin which makes a netherrack generator (Talked about more later).

      Another thing on a newisland you may notice is that there is a large gravel and glowstone tree where a normal tree is. Well this is called a "glowtree". You are able to grow one of these trees (Talked about later on).

      The last large difference in hellblock is that mobs can naturally spawn on your island. Pigmen are the most common mob. Other mobs such as Magma Cubes and even Ghast can spawn (To know how to avoid, keep reading).

      How Do I Do That?
      --Netherrack Generator-- (Shown at spawn)
      1. Make a 3x5 rectangle
      2. Make two holes 1 block in on the middle stretch of the block you make the rectangle out of
      3. Place the two lava sources in both of the holes
      4. Mine the block that is between the two sources and netherrack will 'spawn'
      To collect Easier: Place a sign to replace the block right next to the spot where the netherrack generates.

      --Glowtree-- (See /warp water for help)

      1. Collect flint front your original glowtree on your island
      2. Place 1 flint on a gravel places on the ground (You should see a sapling appear)
      3. With glowdust, right click the sapling like you would with bone meal.
      4. A glowtree should grow

      --Avoid Mobs Spawning--(Thanks Pops)
      Instead of using normal full blocks, use half slabs. For some reason mobs are unable to spawn on those.

      Pro's Way To Money Making
      When starting off you may want some extra blocks, so you go to /warp shop or other play warps to get some. But you may realize that you have no money. Couple ways to earn money fairly fast:
      1. Voting: Use the command /vote and vote for 100$ free
      2. Selling items: The shop is not just for buying, you can also sell blocks. An easy block to sell is netherrack which you can get easily from your generator.
      3. Cross-server Trading: This one is a little faster than the others. It is basically selling your items and money on the other servers for money and or items on hellblock.

      Have more starting information? Comment it or PM me it to add.


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