Ive herd that you can get peopled heads if they have a bounty and you kill them, ive done this twice and i have none, the only heads i have are from raids and auctions, somebody help??
You only get a person's head when you, yourself, place the bounty on someone. You physically receive the head when someone has killed the person you placed a bounty on. So, this is how it goes: You place bounty->Person you placed a bounty on gets killed->you get that persons head Does this help answer your question/problem stupak_23?
I'm pretty sure only the owner of the thread can request this to be locked because it is in discussion, but this is a help thread and should have been in the help section. So I'm not sure if we can get a mod to to close it. But there's no harm in trying @Ares_Xena @canucksfan44