Hey guys! I do not know how much the HMs are trusted by Noobcrew and CypriotMerkz, however, if they do trust them enough, I believe that HMs should be able to change a player's details (birthday, age, name, etc.) upon request. I think this would help a lot, seeing as both of the owners are very busy people, and may not always have time to fulfill these requests. Let me know what you all think!
They trust them... but they don't trust them for that. It will just be Cyp and Noob unless Cyp leaves for vacation again and needs someone in the interim like he did with Zamb.
Support. Although if possible, I'd rather we get a forum administrator. (one that's not myself or @12323kyle =P)
Glad to hear it guys! Alright, well I suppose it's worth a shot? Haha. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to figure something else out.
There is a Forum Admin rank. If they want to give perms to someone to do that stuff, they will promote a Forum Admin.