Ingame name: Solar_Cookie Issue: People have been taking heads from /staff, and I think I know how, the players open /staff with slow pc´s and take the head, then since they´re laggy it stays there, I have contacted @Dyna_Mighty, I recommend to disable /staff and make another system like it says on the chat the online staff or something like that. I traded this with: WhiteArrowHD -Solar_Cookie
@SSMH LoveBlueTheHorse is the glitcher, I just found that out, always that player is saying: Selling staff heads, /msg. When I asked the player how he/she got it he/she said ¨I got it from /staff¨ I have a screenshot but Im not sure why I dont find it. As I told @BlackZone that the head glitcher is taking over here I got a lil evidence. I recommend to close /staff and make it show on chat the online staff. Here I have found more glitched heads, poeple have been talking about: We can make withers and destroy gta! So I thought where they could build and then remembered where to build, and found this: @Dyna_Mighty @CypriotMerks