Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Winnfield, Oct 28, 2015.
I once used a map… Oh wait. Have you ever killed your family?
Of course 8/8 I r8, would kill again m8 Have you ever mistaken your mother for the boogie man?
No Have you ever was caught singing in the shower by someone?
Yes.. xD Have you ever consumed a fried chicken leg? :p
Yes ( it was delicious ) Have you ever been in a movie alone?
Yes. Have you been to a five-star hotel?
I wish. Have you ever thrown up at school? Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
No. Have you ever stood on your phone and broken it?
No not a retard. Have you smoked pot before? (Yes I can ask this its legall in two states)
I'm 11. No. Have you ever went to a country and got sick there?
Yes. Have you ever went to Singapore?
No :( Have you ever been chased by any animal?
Yes. Have you ever kissed someone?
No. Have you ever died?(That is being clinically dead i.e. heart stops)
Yes (REBORN wolf) Have you eaten tacos?