It is now five months on after I have asked for about a year for a OP Factions Reset, I come back and still no. I'm starting to think Cyp and Noobcrew have given up on Mineverse, i'm not the only person who thinks that, Cyp if you are reading this, please try and help Mineverse and listen to us.
maybe get like 4-5 of the best mods and make them admins... and make bananaman in charge of them (head-admin) and maybe get another dev *cough cough @Zulfqar*
The problem with that is that not all of the mods know enough to become Admins. We need a Staff Mananger (@Pile_of_Butts )
yea but the admins would be opped on all the servers so they could fix problems and yea a staff manager would be good
People like you only care for one server, Opfactions. What if Opfactions wasn't there, what would you do? I know what I would do, I would be happy that kids aren't complaining 24/7 for a restart.
Pretty sure one player isn't bad, saying "I'm leaving", you're just inviting the predator to take a bite. Dickheads like me will take say that "Cyp and Crew doesn't care if you leave, you are one player." Yes, I'm fun at parties. Much love.
They have no interest on improving game modes and such, as on the other hand, Hypixel release some new custom content every other week, that is why they have a strong player base, and @WolfBane and others have made similar threads of such, but they just won't listen, they don't care, don't care in the fact that us as players are playing on a server plagued with bugs and glitches with nothing to bring players and to keep it alive, not to mention the countless rule breakers.
No one is keeping you here. Can't wait till you are done complaining. It's an easy fix. Like hipixel? Go. I'm sure not stopping you. I'll tag @CypriotMerks for you. He can help you on your way. No Crew and Cyp have not given up on MV. Threads like this just instigate rumors and hate. One owner. One admin. Things take time here. I'm sorry. That's just the honest truth. If that's not a good enough answer, I don't know what else to say. Closing this before people get banned for their complaining.