Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Ezekiel Zeke, Jul 14, 2014.
Has the time come? Should I make my 1st ever Mod App? I dont know.....Am I ready? Am I?
I don't know. Maybe at the end of the week?
I agree
I'm not ready Parkour :t:
But for real guys should I?
It's your decision, don't bring your decision into public chat, it means your advertising your app.
I got a bad record when it comes in "If you ever been ban" ...
Wait so your saying you've been banned heaps of times?
It's your decision, go make it yourself if you want.
Damn you. *shakes fist angrily at the sky*
It's your decision. Make the app when you feel you are ready.
I made my app Yesterday :D
just do it
I don't know what's funny about my other message ._.
Wait, You made it?