As badman and I are grinding pigmen, he turns on his hacks, and is able to hit the pigmen while looking down at the ground.. The hacking begins at around 30 seconds in. Proof:
I'm not quite sure why you haven't responded to my question. Here's the situation. On the 19th of February, you reported Nitro with old evidence. Both Tin and I discussed the issue of old evidence with you. Saying that you could not use old evidence to report a player. At the time you claimed that you didn't know that was wrong, but you were told that you didn't need to do it again. I have a screenshot of you admitting you used old evidence in game: Well, here we are with another report on another player that has evidence that is appx 5 months old. You are purposely using old evidence to manipulate a ban, and that it not ok. For that reason, I am going to ban you in-game for 2 weeks for Report Manipulation. I have discussed this with the head mods and this is the punishment that was agreed upon. If this happens again, the punishment length will increase.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.